Saturday, August 1, 2009

Can u help me get a new hair style?

my hair is about 2 incs long and is really thick and gets greasy easly and i dont want it short coz i hav a be forhead which will make me look lyk im goind bauld im thinkin that i should starigten my hair coz it gets all wavy but that would be a bit camp i dont no wot i should do with my haor please help!

Can u help me get a new hair style?

aight mat? dare u to go bald! it will b a right laugh at school hehe

Can u help me get a new hair style?

Buy a hair mag. and find a hair style u like in it ,cut it out and takeit to a hair salon and show it to the stylist and ask them to make your hair like the mag. clipping.

Can u help me get a new hair style?


I have really long, and really thick hair, and it's always pulled back or thrown up.?

Does anybody know any tips, or have any ideas on how I could style it? I just dont know what to do with it, it doesnt hold curl, i cant scrunch it... Any ideas?

I have really long, and really thick hair, and it's always pulled back or thrown up.?

I have really long, and really thick hair, and it's always pulled back or thrown up.?

Now everyone knows scrunching your hair leaves it flakey and stiff because of the jell or mouse or even worse it falls out after only half a day. However there is a product out there ladies you can use to leave your hair with the scrunch or curly look but not with that unwanted flakey, hard hair. It is called Softee(proteen gel). You can get it at Family Dollar or Wal-mart. Its just a couple of bucks for a large amount. While your hair is wet apply a fair amount of Softee to your hair from root to ends. Brush it trough with your fingers. The from end to root scrunch you hair over and over and over. Since you have naturally curly hair just allow your hair to dry natural. But for fun if you want you can blow dry your hair upside down while scrunching it at the same time. You end result will be beautiful wavy, curly, scruchy hair that is soft not hard and not freezy. Try it out sometime I think you will like it. And good Luck.

Please help!! hair style decision i cannot make on my own..?

ok so i really want i guess you could say "scene" hair.

i know alot of people think oh come on have some orginality but i just really love it so anyways this is a pic of me-

%26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

my hair is a little longer and this is a pic of the hair i want-

%26lt;a href="" target="_blank"%26gt;%26lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

i just need to know if you think it would look ok or if you have different hair suggestions.

please i really need your help and i appreciate this.

Please help!! hair style decision i cannot make on my own..?

it would look cute just add a splsh of color to it!.閳?br>Please help!! hair style decision i cannot make on my own..?

i like the 2 one a lot but not as much the 1 one

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

i like the "scene" looking hair styles but my style is more on the preppy side. i still want to keep the length long, i want some sort of layers and side bangs or something of that sort. i cant seem to find a picture of what i want.

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

side bangs work perfect its a scene preppy style guide your hair like that for a couple of weeks and it should look fine!

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

side bangs

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

hope it helps

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Ive got really annoying hair (but only because i can fnd a style to suit me and one i like)...I remember when i was younger having my hair cut very short and it looked awful, from then, I grew my hair until i was fed up and had it cut very short (similar to my avatar length) - It stayed short for about 3 years and i've now let it grow again - Thinking that I might actually look nice with long hair (plus my husband prefers it).

I had it cut into a bob and the length stops just below my hairline (neck) so still short but i hate it - i makes me look fat in my opinion (maybe this is telling me its not framing my face properly).

Im just really fustrated as im not aginst trying new things but considering how long hair takes to grow (even when you are pregnant lol) i would really appreciate any tips, past experiences or links that might help me decide what is right for me as i have never quite found the right thing for me as i think its high time i did!

Eve x

--Sorry for the essay--

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Ohmygod!! I'm not alone!! lol I have been struggling with my hair most of my life.

It looks good short but I hate short hair. I love wearing ball caps and I look like a boy if my hair is short. I love long hair but my hair never seems to do what I want it to do when it's longer.

The only time I liked it was when I had it permed, but one of my best friends told me to get out of the 80's and so I straightened it and it's been straight ever since...but I was comfortable in the 80's, the 80's were good to me and so I think I might just have to slip back once again...either that or shave my head! lol

I'm sorry, this probably wasn't much help to you, but I think it's helped me figure out what to do lol

Good luck with yours :)

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

shave it

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

heres what i do when my hair is annoying the crap out of me!

i either dye it or i just put it up every day!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?


i think shoulder length, maybe to boobs, but stop there

choppy layers

fringe if want

shaped round face

can't go wrong

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Layering the hair makes faces look thin. You may want to try that (it doesn't have to be long, maybe midlength, and it would be easy to take care of since you are pregnant)

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

try to flare it out with one of those circular brushes buy medium hoop earrings it complements i very well try dying it but pick the color that suits u the best not ur husband!Or highlights.


Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

u know what u should do ? talk to ur stylist and ask him if hair extentions are right for u ... another solution would be to go to Arrojo hair salon ( the guy who appears on what not to wear) he has a salon in NYC ... he charges $400 for a haircut, he has other senior stylists who will charge u $175.. i guarantee u will love ur hair after u go to Arrojo cause he will Really take care of u ... just google his name ..

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

ask a proffesional hair stylist or barber what would fit you

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

My hair was very long, to my butt actually. The girl cut it a little to short now it a little shorter then the middle of my back with layers and an angle. Also if you have curley hair i sugest puttin some moose and hairspry i it and letting it down.

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Buy one of those computer programs and scan your photo and try out different lengths and styles - print them and look at them over a few days until you find the one you like - take into account your hair type and colour - once you're done - ask your friends for the name of a good hairdresser and hopefully your troubles will be over.

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

i used to have EXACTLY the same problem and it used to bug the hell out of me!!! i had it long, got it cut short, hated it cos it made my face look fat, grew it got it cut again etc etc vicious circle!

so i got it cut just above my shoulders and had it layered and thinned out alot at the bottom. i also had a side parting and a side fringe and all i do is straighten it for about 5 minutes a day and leave it and it looks great!

i would grow yours a bit before you get this done though...

good luck!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Search online, talk to your hairstylist, it depends on how far you are willing to go and always, once you find someone with a great knack for knowing you and your hair, always go back. Trims are a must, if you let your hair get too damaged it won't grow. Trims every 4-6 weeks. the type of brush you use could also be holding you back, talk to someone at Sally's that can tell you what each brush is for. Get a few hairstyle books, they have great tips on what new styles are out and what products do what. If you just want something quick, try to figure out if your face is heart, oval, squared, round, or triangular. then look at the faces in the hairstyle books set out, find one of the models with your face shape, this will give you something to go by. If you like your hair long, but don't like the weight, try getting your stylist to thin it out a bit without taking the volume away. Trust me it works! Use what god gave you and talk to whoever is doing your hair. Oh one more thing, if you ever hear scissors that scrape instead of snip your hair, get out of the chair! They have no idea what they are doing! Sharp scissors are a must to every hairstylist!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

I wear mine very short. It is almost like a regulation military style, but it is a bit longer in the front. When I wash my hair I comb it all the way back and then push the top into a front wave and take about 1/2 of an inch and make a side bang.

After my going through all of the stuff you have with your hair I find that is the best cut for me.

Im looking for a cute hair style and color. any ideas?

im 14, and i have sort of an auburn hair color now. i have long side bangs.

Im looking for a cute hair style and color. any ideas?

Tips for all different type of Hairstyles

Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?

Heyy, I'm 14 and I'v had the same style for like 4 years and its getting old. There-for I want to change it but I just dont know what to do.I dont want anything long, like a mullet or anything. I like short-medium, short perferably. i like to spike it,(no mo-hawks,%26amp; no straight up hairstyles) like in the front or in the mid section of my hair. My head is round-ish .haha. I would put a picture on here but I dont know how lol.


Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?


Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?

like short (the depuis one) ((jaeda from ANTM)

or short

or longer

just look online at your fav celebs, or flip open a mag and look at the hair.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

i have long hair and i always have it parted to the side with just typical bangs but theyre growing past my chin now.

i need ideas for haircuts... NOT just Styles, i need pics of different things i cld do with the following requirments:

*still long

*bangs (not straight down or too short)

*no color change

ok ppls go crazy!!

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

I would say trim your bangs and curl your hair in waves like this

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

I would like to have hot ... with you

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

You want our advice but you still want to stay boring. Don't ask for advice then.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Shave it off.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

If you like your hair why please him, long hair is beautiful just natural and loose, but clever plaiting, and scooping up in clips may add a little variety.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

It's summer, have boyfriend pay for some nice cornrows with pretty swirls. Have it cut later.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

your hair is your own biz so too bad if he doesnt like it !

you go plan your own hairdo and do what you like with it !

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???


My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

well if u want it still long no color change and bangss WHAT ARE U GOING TO CHANGE?

u need to take a chance there it's hair and it'll grow back, i think u should go short with some color

heh people are way to concerned about their hair, so i got a mohawk! who cares it'll grow back

i think u should do something crazy with ur hair...

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Head straight for a stylist you trust...they will tell you what looks best or show you pictures. The shape of your face really plays a big part in what styles look best and the color of your skin also plays a big part in what coloring looks best. Your stylist can show you pictures and make suggestions. Also try this web site:

Good luck!

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

You could get layers, you could part it in the middle, get it where it frames your face, you could also try to put it in a ponytail or half way up instead. try curling it, you could also get it cut different at the ends, instead of straight across. And clam highlights might work too.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Leave it alone, I love it*...You are Gorgeous just the way you are*...

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

This 1 is good but not the girl that has it ew!!

This is really good!!!

Hair question?

I have long, straight, light brown hair. I do like my hair but I am starting to get a little bored with it. I'm 25 years old, a mother of an 11 month old, and work full time, so I don't have time to do real fancy things like curl my hair or style it. I always end up putting it in a ponytail. Anyone have suggestions as to what I could do for a change? I don't mind cutting it short, but if I do, I would like for it to have some style to it. I can't find any pictures I like. Anyone have ideas? Or websites where I can find some pics? Thanks!!

Hair question?

short hair isntalways easier. i 'cheated' on my stylist and went somewhere else, and ended up with a BAD short cut that didnt work with my hair at all. it took me forever to stytle and smooth it, so depending on your hairs texture, shorter isnt always better.

heres my favorite style website, theres hundreds and hundreds of styles to look at for free. check out the hairstyle categories on the right

Hair question?

I didn't mean for this to go for a vote, but I voted for you when I realised it did! Thanks! Report It

Hair question?

if youre real busy cut it short and do a simple wash and go style. i have heard about a website wear you can see wht you will look like with diff. hairstyles. sorry, but never been there...

Hair question?

i have cut my hair to the female form of the "devils lock" with short hair left in the back and i kept long thick bangs, instead of the scraggly ones in the style.

if ur still woundering what this looks like, check my pic on msn.

Hair question?

just ask your hairstylist what she thinks would work good for you after all hairstylists do know hair best!!

Hair question?

try adding some layers and bangs, just come side bangs off to th side and they will be fine.

Hair question?

just google hair styles.

Hair question?

I never have time to style my hair either...after I got this cut, all's I do is wear it in a bun at night and when I take it down in the morning it's good to go.

p.s.%26gt;brush out in the morning and then put back up %26amp; take down right before you leave

Hair question?

bring a cute pict with you ask the person who cuts your hair what you should do if he/she looks confused or doesnt look like they are confident just show them the pict and tell them that that is what u want

4 picts go on google and type in womens hair cuts and click images u might find something there

Hair question?

i know its hard dealing with other things like work,baby,bills but when u get a off day get you a little rest and then maybe you could curl,or its this cool stuff call (WET~N~WAVY) it comes just like that. all you have to do is wash your hair and then wait till your hair is damped and then you could put some on there and then you might want to give yourself a couple of braids to make sure it gets wavy. you can get t at any beauty supply store. it comes in spray bottle,gel bottle,and gel container. good luck!!

Hair question?

google nicole richie--she has a cute straight bob with sideswept bangs. If your hair is naturally straight, it will look supercute without doing anything!!!

heres a pic

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

so as being a guy should i leave my hair in a feminine style or should i cut it.

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

that's hott. keep it. =]

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

cut it!

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

if u like it, leave it. but if u dun, cut it. it depends on how u feel. dun b bothered bou others

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

Unless u want 2 look gay pleeeaaaasssssseeeeee cut it , i'm sure u'll look better with it sure don't worry take leap

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

If your current hairstyle suits you, keep it. However, change is good. Cut it. Its only hair, it'll grow back!

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

thers nothing sexier than a guy with gorgeous hair!! KEEP IT!!!

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

do what you want hun.

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

Cut it!

And check out this website:

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

i would cut it so it is shaggy,like the abercrombie and fitch models. and maybe u should change ur avatar pic,the flower in the hair is a little girly. but if u like ur hair the way it is,do whatever floats ur boat!!

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

u should do want u wanna do with it.

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

Cut it and why does you avatar look like a girl?

I m a 20 yrs old guy buy i have long hairs like my sister and also its in a ladies type hairstyle.?

Cut it short. no woman wants to be dating a long haired guy will feeel like another woman. nice short hair styles for me out there. and you'll look more manly not a sissy looking that only works in rock bands and then i still think they look terrible. there going for a certain look YUK

How do you stile men's hair when trying to grow it? Help.?

My boyfriend is trying to grow his hair out, right now it's in that phase where it's not short but not long enough to style in the way he wants. It seems the top of his hair is growing faster than the sides. Whats a good way to fix and style his hair while still letting it grow. He's trying to let it grow so it kind of flips out on the sides, kind of like surfer hair.

How do you stile men's hair when trying to grow it? Help.?

Blow dryer. Then use some jell to style.

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

and what are some really cute hair styles that are easy 2 do for school????? besides pony tales!?! i have bangs but they are long! please help me find some thing cute 2 do!!!

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

Curly hair is hot! Straight hair looks too simple.

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

i think curly hair is nice but it depends on your facial fetures like eyes, nose, chin, cheeks and fore head and sometimes straight hair is better. it all depends on how your face is.

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

curly hair you leave dowm but straight hair you could do anything with it so i choose straight

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

take two pieces of hair (small and from the top of ur head from each side) and put them in little rubberbands it is such a cute simple style

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

i have curly hair but i prefer to wear it straight it suits me better an its easier to style! y not try a french braid?

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

curly hair down. it never goes out of style. and it has a lot more body than straight hair.

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

maybe get a different hair cut for a change

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

I think that it depends on the person and on their natural hair and facial face shape and type, best features, hair color and type, etc...

I have naturally curly hair, but often straighten it and I love that it's versatile and I can do it curly one day and let it dry naturally or straighten it out...

Hair-bands are really "in" right now, so I would suggest getting some of those. Also, since your bangs are longer, think about pinning back just the bangs on the top of your head- it frames your face well and highlights facial features...

Hope this helps!

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

well you can always wear it curly i think thats soo cute but you can wear it half up and also wear things in you hair like headband and ribbons

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

straight hair would probably work better. you could curl it and straighten it. It allways looks good.

What do you think is better curly or straight hair?

If your hair is naturally curly, then leave it curly. It will be easier to manage, and since your bangs are long, you can curl them without worrying about them getting short. Leave it down, and if it gets warm tie it up. If your hair is naturally straight, then keep it that way. High ponytails looks way better than low ponytails, as high as possible. It's played out. If they're long enough, you can turn your bangs into side bangs. You can interchange once in a while, it's all about making your hair easy to manage.

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Ive got really annoying hair (but only because i can fnd a style to suit me and one i like)...I remember when i was younger having my hair cut very short and it looked awful, from then, I grew my hair until i was fed up and had it cut very short (similar to my avatar length) - It stayed short for about 3 years and i've now let it grow again - Thinking that I might actually look nice with long hair (plus my husband prefers it).

I had it cut into a bob and the length stops just below my hairline (neck) so still short but i hate it - i makes me look fat in my opinion (maybe this is telling me its not framing my face properly).

Im just really fustrated as im not aginst trying new things but considering how long hair takes to grow (even when you are pregnant lol) i would really appreciate any tips, past experiences or links that might help me decide what is right for me as i have never quite found the right thing for me as i think its high time i did!

Eve x

--Sorry for the essay--

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Ohmygod!! I'm not alone!! lol I have been struggling with my hair most of my life.

It looks good short but I hate short hair. I love wearing ball caps and I look like a boy if my hair is short. I love long hair but my hair never seems to do what I want it to do when it's longer.

The only time I liked it was when I had it permed, but one of my best friends told me to get out of the 80's and so I straightened it and it's been straight ever since...but I was comfortable in the 80's, the 80's were good to me and so I think I might just have to slip back once again...either that or shave my head! lol

I'm sorry, this probably wasn't much help to you, but I think it's helped me figure out what to do lol

Good luck with yours :)

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

shave it

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

heres what i do when my hair is annoying the crap out of me!

i either dye it or i just put it up every day!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?


i think shoulder length, maybe to boobs, but stop there

choppy layers

fringe if want

shaped round face

can't go wrong

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Layering the hair makes faces look thin. You may want to try that (it doesn't have to be long, maybe midlength, and it would be easy to take care of since you are pregnant)

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

try to flare it out with one of those circular brushes buy medium hoop earrings it complements i very well try dying it but pick the color that suits u the best not ur husband!Or highlights.


Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

u know what u should do ? talk to ur stylist and ask him if hair extentions are right for u ... another solution would be to go to Arrojo hair salon ( the guy who appears on what not to wear) he has a salon in NYC ... he charges $400 for a haircut, he has other senior stylists who will charge u $175.. i guarantee u will love ur hair after u go to Arrojo cause he will Really take care of u ... just google his name ..

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

ask a proffesional hair stylist or barber what would fit you

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

My hair was very long, to my butt actually. The girl cut it a little to short now it a little shorter then the middle of my back with layers and an angle. Also if you have curley hair i sugest puttin some moose and hairspry i it and letting it down.

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Buy one of those computer programs and scan your photo and try out different lengths and styles - print them and look at them over a few days until you find the one you like - take into account your hair type and colour - once you're done - ask your friends for the name of a good hairdresser and hopefully your troubles will be over.

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

i used to have EXACTLY the same problem and it used to bug the hell out of me!!! i had it long, got it cut short, hated it cos it made my face look fat, grew it got it cut again etc etc vicious circle!

so i got it cut just above my shoulders and had it layered and thinned out alot at the bottom. i also had a side parting and a side fringe and all i do is straighten it for about 5 minutes a day and leave it and it looks great!

i would grow yours a bit before you get this done though...

good luck!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

Search online, talk to your hairstylist, it depends on how far you are willing to go and always, once you find someone with a great knack for knowing you and your hair, always go back. Trims are a must, if you let your hair get too damaged it won't grow. Trims every 4-6 weeks. the type of brush you use could also be holding you back, talk to someone at Sally's that can tell you what each brush is for. Get a few hairstyle books, they have great tips on what new styles are out and what products do what. If you just want something quick, try to figure out if your face is heart, oval, squared, round, or triangular. then look at the faces in the hairstyle books set out, find one of the models with your face shape, this will give you something to go by. If you like your hair long, but don't like the weight, try getting your stylist to thin it out a bit without taking the volume away. Trust me it works! Use what god gave you and talk to whoever is doing your hair. Oh one more thing, if you ever hear scissors that scrape instead of snip your hair, get out of the chair! They have no idea what they are doing! Sharp scissors are a must to every hairstylist!

Im so annoyed with my hair!...Advice please?

I wear mine very short. It is almost like a regulation military style, but it is a bit longer in the front. When I wash my hair I comb it all the way back and then push the top into a front wave and take about 1/2 of an inch and make a side bang.

After my going through all of the stuff you have with your hair I find that is the best cut for me.

Need help in deciding hair color???

ok, so my current haircolor is light brown, curly, and long..i have dyed my hair before, but this is as close to my natural color, and i am bored of having it like this..anybody have any suggestions as to what color? my skin tone is fair, with a light pink tone on my cheeks, brown eyes. i wanted to also change my hairstyle, but having curly hair is difficult to create those styles that i so often see on people, im not willing to cut my hair and style it so that it only looks nice when i do straighten it,i would like it to be easy to maintain, yet still look good. any suggestions on this?? your opinions are greatly appreciated :)thx

Need help in deciding hair color???

Consider going dark brown with some red highlights. Or maybe just try golden beige blonde %26amp; see if they really do have more fun.

Need help in deciding hair color???

maybe try some blonde and gold highlights, and straighten it every once in a while. :))

Need help in deciding hair color???

You're hair sounds really nice. Perhaps dying it a darker brown? But i wouldn't go for black, as it's impossible to get out!! Oh some blonde would be nice? I would definately keep it nice n long though =D Good luck.

Need help in deciding hair color???

a caramel color would look nice on you. it would bring your eyes out.

Need help in deciding hair color???

That's the look I'm going for, maybe style it like

Anahi ( )

or dye you tips a moca blonde or even get blond-ish highlights.

Need help in deciding hair color???

I had the same trouble myself.. i thought the best way to go was a chestnut color, it is brown with a reddish shade and it works well for fair skin.

Need help in deciding hair color???

maybe blonde or honey or chesnut or something

you could try striaghtening your hair

i don't think a dark color would be good if you don't want your face and hair to have a huge contrast

Need help in deciding hair color???

put hot pink just on the underside of ur hair. sumthign different

Need help in deciding hair color???

golden highlights and blow dry them with your hands instead of a brush to give that natural look

Need help in deciding hair color???

If you are doing it yourself (rather than going to a salon) find a store that has the color samples that look like hair (or maybe it is actual hair). Whole Foods has this in their 'whole body" section. Preferably with the help of a friend or salesperson, dtermine which color is the closest to yours. With your pink tone you can go lighter or darker, but stay within 3 shades of your natural hair color. Generally, it's also easier if you stay in the same color family (e.g. going form ash brown to ash blonde). I received this advice from a beautician. I went too light once and looked completely washed out. She had to fix it.

Need help in deciding hair color???

Try blonde with bleach blonde high lights

Need help in deciding hair color???

straighten your hair and maybe strawberry blond that's a nice color maybe have layers to

Need help in deciding hair color???

try blond or auburn

Need help in deciding hair color???

A carmal color.You need to keep you hair in the same type of brown but jass it up a bit.

Where is a really good place where you can get your hair washed and cut for $45 or less in Maryland?

I used to go to this dominican lady in dc to get my hair done, but i hate how she styled my hair,so i decided to go to a hair cuttery in my neighboorhood but they charged me $65! thats 20 more dollars. so i said no. Now im trying to get my hair done at another salon but everyone takes one look at my hair and looks like teir going to faint becase i have long thick curly hair. Weres a good place that can get ethiopian hair straight and styled the way you want?

Where is a really good place where you can get your hair washed and cut for $45 or less in Maryland?

i found kings cutts

Where is a really good place where you can get your hair washed and cut for $45 or less in Maryland?

hair cuttery

Where is a really good place where you can get your hair washed and cut for $45 or less in Maryland?

Hair cuttery is the only place I know, everywhere else cost more.

Where is a really good place where you can get your hair washed and cut for $45 or less in Maryland?

Look in the phone book and go to a Beauty School.

Only the graduating students at a Beauty school cut hair for the public, and do a great job! (My best haircut EVER was at Award Beauty school in Hagerstown!)

Cost is $5-$10 per cut.

They also do perms, etc.

I have long thick blonde curly hair w/ natural highlights and want to dye it unnatural?

but i dont want to dye my whole head. idn what color or style to do. i recently did a 2 inch section in front of a magenta color, and it was ok, but only lasted like a week, and plus i didnt really like it. any suggestions for colors and style... should i streak it? highlight? dye the ends? undercolor? help!


I have long thick blonde curly hair w/ natural highlights and want to dye it unnatural?

put a shade of red in- not natural red but a coppery tone or a muted tone of red- it will look awesome and bring out your skin tone

I have long thick blonde curly hair w/ natural highlights and want to dye it unnatural?

Layering always works, straighten it, why don't you do that and have your hair blonde, with a mix of light brown or dark blonde hightlights!

hope this helped

Long, short, or medium hair?

which one do you have? plus, do u have bangs, layers, or some other kind of style?

Long, short, or medium hair?

long for sure u can do anything thing with it if u really want

Long, short, or medium hair?

very little

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair with layers.

Long, short, or medium hair?


Long, short, or medium hair?

I had medium hair. Most consider it short. It goes to my chin and i have it layered. No bangs. It looks cute curled under or flipped out or straightened.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long wavy hair. I was thinking about cutting it short though....

Long, short, or medium hair?

my hair is almost four feet long, strawberry blonde, no bangs, all the same lenght.

Long, short, or medium hair?

long and layered is easy to keep up.

Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair with curtain bangs : )

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair right now, but latter I going to cut it to medium w/ layers

Long, short, or medium hair?


Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair. all one length, no bangs

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair.....was gonna go for the gusto and cut it off like my "avatar" --- chickened out.............just got another perm, today..................back to my wild self!!!

no cut.........long hair............

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long thick black-brown layers...just long..

Long, short, or medium hair?

My hair is a little longer than shoulder length. I usually don't do anything with it, just brush! I go for the messy look, I guess you could say.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have hair that goes just below my shoulders. I have layers cut into it and my bangs are growing in. They are just long enough to tuck behind my ears, it seems to be taking forever!! :) I have wavy hair, that is a medium brown with lighter brown/red highlights. A first for me, I really like the highlights though.

Long, short, or medium hair?

straight and medium with tons of layers and side swept bangs!!

I looove my hair!!

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have medium straight hair with layers that curl under in a very slight way. I have side swept bangs that curl under too and my hair is dyed purply red

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long black hair, with long layers. It's naturally half curly half wavy, but once a month I like to straighten it. I love my hair it's exotic with my blue eyes

Long, short, or medium hair?

lol... almost exactly like my avatar.. and it's blonde

Long, short, or medium hair?

Very long. I have bangs that I'm currently growing out (they're at my shoulders) and I let my hair grow in a natural U shape.

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have medium,black,straight hair...but rite now i have it in shirly temple curls!!!! way cute!!!

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have long hair with curls. i do have layers. i think the best way to go is long or medium cuz there is more things you can do with it.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long, wavy hair that is almost to my hips. It's all the same length, and I have never had bangs. It's dark brown and looks reddish in the sun. I've never styled it... I like it to look natural.

Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair

i cut bangs but they look super bad

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have medium hair, it's strawberry-blonde.I have bangs and layers.

Long, short, or medium hair?

My hair is long black and shiny.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have hair down to my butt. I take good care of it, though. I don't chemically process it.

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have medium layered hair. also, i have side bangs.

Long, short, or medium hair?

long, with bangs

Long, short, or medium hair?

I did have long hair bit just recently cut off to shoulder lengh with layers. black with light brown/blonde highlights, no bangs.

Need some hair help please!?

Hello everyone! I am going to the rodeo this coming weekend (3-3-07) and I am tired of having the same hair style. I have dark blonde hair, 1 inch past my shoulder, layers, side bangs, and a long oval shaped face %26amp; big green eyes. My hair is naturally wavy. I usally straighten it with a Chi Turbo (the red one!) or make my hair curly with the Aussie Scrunch Spray (love it!). Oh....did I mention that my hair is thin and super damaged from my Chi!?!?! It has no volume at all...when it does get volume it only last for about 2 hours. I'm looking for something cute that would last for the whole night....up-do's, down-do's(lol), anything will work! Appreciate anyone that has any advice for me!

Need some hair help please!?

But on that cowboy hat! Maybe braids on both sides, that a way to go cowgirl!

If you don't want to wear one....add some bright blonde highlights to the front of your face, w/wavy hair, scrunch it up w/your aussie spray!

Need some hair help please!?

First of all we know heat is an ouch to hair. Sooo you can try baby oil for a couple hrs wash and then drench it with baby oil then make sure that you really rinse it out and be sure to use a great shampoo and cond. Also you might want to see a hair stylist to give you help you might also try to get a shampoo that has a sptriper in it to get the product out to give it lift. If you use the same brand of shampoo change it every other time.

Need some hair help please!?

have you tried big and sexy product, also do some back combing to the back of your hair that will give it a lift.

Need some hair help please!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

Hairstyles for layered hair?

hey i have gotten my hair cut recently and its layered but really short on the top, it looks like the pic here but not as long. i know i can spike the top up and have sort of a punk look but is there any good hair styles anyone knows of where i can put it up, photos and how to do it would be appreciated, thanks = )

Hairstyles for layered hair?

ha! ur hair pic is awesome by the way! they have some really cool bow clips at hot topic, clip back part of ur hair with them, they also have some hello kitty ones at target for like a dollar! put ur hair in little pigtails. also a pony tail would work.

Hairstyles for layered hair?

A French braid is always wonderful. Any braid actually. Pony tails work for hot days. Buns,,,not so much. Pig tails that are down low that cover the ear, perfection!

Hairstyles for layered hair?

YOu could pin the spiky bit down and then put it up any way u like i reckon. btw ur hair ROCKS

Hairstyles for layered hair?

try this program, its free and works for awhile, Beauty Wizard.

Hairstyles for layered hair?

Hair Styles

* Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

* Hairstyle - tips and tricks-

* Short hairstyle tips-

Is this hair style good?

I have long side bangs like my avatar, but I'm think of getting them cut like this:

Do you think it is a cute hair style?

Is this hair style good?

i think it is hot

Is this hair style good?

yes i like it , but if your hair is not naturally straight you can seriously damage it with those irons! ahh!

Is this hair style good?

depends on your face shape. prob yea, for a nice change

Is this hair style good?

only one word: CUTE

Is this hair style good?

that will look really great on you! =)

Is this hair style good?

Do it! I always use Ashlee Simpsons pictures when I tell my stylist what I want. I had my hair like that recently and it looks really cute. Now I have it like this:

Is this hair style good?

its really cute!!!

Is this hair style good?

ya omg lol what a coincedence i was just going to go get my haircut with that exact pic 2morrow lol =] i bet itll look gorgeous on ya =]

Is this hair style good?

Ya thats totally cute, actually i just got my hair cut like that and i love it!

I need a good emo hair style!!?

I really need a good emo hair style for guys call me a poser if u want cuz i'm not emo and i dont care anyways, I'm thinking of something that's spikey at the back and long in front but I really cant find any good pictures. Thanks

I need a good emo hair style!!?

try one of these, hope it helps

my friend has an emo haircut 2, they r hot

I need a good emo hair style!!?

Go to a good stylist with a plan.

For the plan, you need to take a washable ink pen and outline your face in the mirror.

Then see the shape of your face. Put it on paper. The outline of your face, I mean.

Go through magazines of styles available at the hair stylist's.

Find a suitable style that fits your face.

(or you could even draw pencil lines to show what you want on that paper)

Tell the stylist what you want.

As I cannot see your face, I can't say more except why care for what they say? Do as you please. Do what makes you happy. Show you are happy with yourself, it will show to others.

All the best.

I need a good emo hair style!!?

get a mohawk and die your hair pink.

I need a good emo hair style!!?

keep your hair long, but VERY chopped up! Then use a lot of gel and make it pointed (the points down towards your face)

I need a good emo hair style!!?

just make it long and shaggy. or try follow what the emos themselves do. yeah...

I need a good emo hair style!!?

If you go to a salon, have the stylist use a razor for lots of layering and cool edges. Don't let him/ her always use the razor, bc the ends will get frizzy after several uses.

Are you going for the long bangs that cover your eyes? You might need to invest in a flat iron if your hair is curly/ wavy or really thick.

I can't think of a site with lots of hairstyle pix, but the grocery or drug stores carry several hairstyle mags. Also, any hair salon will have tons of hairstyle pic books. Just get there 40 minutes early to thumb through them all and find the cut you like best.

I need a good emo hair style!!?

Most emo lookin hairstyles are side swept bangs and layered hair [even for the guys]. I think they look like a hott mess [but if u want to do it, fine by me].

I need a good emo hair style!!?

go to this website

if any problems with finding it i have it on my page

in groups

Wiggg, vanees ann hudgens, pic of her hair ect plzz readdd?

i got the lead role in our school play were doing highschool musical 1 i need to buy a wig i got the part of gabriella if anybody can find a few pics of her from the moviee or goodd shots of her long wavy or curly hair in diffrent styles mainy pic of her from the movie high school muscial one thank you

Wiggg, vanees ann hudgens, pic of her hair ect plzz readdd?

just google it...

Wiggg, vanees ann hudgens, pic of her hair ect plzz readdd?

get the brown one.

her hair-

best of luck in the play! =)

Wiggg, vanees ann hudgens, pic of her hair ect plzz readdd?

here are some pictures of her long curly hair!!!


Wiggg, vanees ann hudgens, pic of her hair ect plzz readdd?;d=us%26amp;s=a%26amp;c=p%26amp;t...;d=us%26amp;s=a%26amp;c=p%26amp;t...

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

I want to get my long hair cut into a shoulder length or shorter style but I am afraid I may want the long style on some days, or just sexy it up sometimes. I have damaged my hair with color and want to update my style.. any suggestions? My hair is mid-length, wavy.

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

a wide headband is the only way you can blend them if the style is too short, but they are easy to work with. they are real hair usually and you can style them anyway you want. i say go for it!

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

Hair glue.

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

If your hair Is very damaged,you know like hay. Then I would go for a shorter do. Shorter healthier hair Is way more becoming than long dead looking hair. Toni Bratten has some really neat extensions and yes they clip In and are very easy to use. They each have 18 shades of color per each hair color. I have 2 toni-poni's and I love them. When I'm having a bad hair day. I twist up my hair and clip It pick It with my fingers and go...Easy to take care of too...

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

easy. just go to peninsula beauty or any store of the sort and look for "POP" clip-on extensions. you can look it up online too if you'd like. the line carries different lengths and shades that you can choose from. price is decent too - just $13 for a piece and mind you, a piece makes quite a difference!(prices vary per style i assume) i came across this when i was bored waiting for a friend and tried them on. it was fun just instantly getting a new look so i went ahead and bought 2 pieces just for the heck of it. i rarely use them but when i feel the urge to sexify my do a tad, i pop them in. very easy to put, but you'll have to get used to that "tug". it's because of that "tug" that i don't use them a lot as i'm paranoid they'll damage my roots if i wear them often.

Can anyone tell me about clip on extensions with a short haircut?

You should look into the (Jessica Simpson) "Hairdo 15inch wavy clip in extension" for a short extension: -- it costs $90 (but there is a coupon code hair25, that'll save 25%). There are lots of longer hair extensions you can choose from too. I would suggest staying with the synthetic clip ins, if you want to have both long and short ones. They're less expensive. But they're cheaper than going to the salon every time you want to change your style.

What kind of hair style suits these features?

straight thick hair, short forhead, prominent cheeks, long face with long mandibles?

What kind of hair style suits these features?

Mandibles, lol.

Get your hair layered, it will take the attention off your prominent cheeks and add texture to straight hair. And don't let it get too long as it will make your face look longer. But too short will emphasise your cheeks.

What kind of hair style suits these features?

Long hair


What kind of hair style suits these features?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas / suggestions-

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

I have long straight hair and want an easy style that will be pretty to put my hair into tonight, any ideas?

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

ok here goes, if you have a fringe leave it doun if not make one swoope it across over you eye, next take the top part of your hair and tie it in a loose pony, take small sections of hair and rap them round your finger loosley then grip do this all at the top of the bobble and around the sides. when that is done take the rest of the hair and split it down the middle (parted down the middle of your head) pull one side to the left and up and then grip in. pull the other side to the right and up and grip in. once you have done this you will have a cross patten at the back. take the hair that you have just done that to and do the same with what you did with the top, expect working your way round the hole hair. sounds hard but very easy.

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

When you've finshed, i'll set it alight for you to get that singed look

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

a bun, or a pony tail, or just have one clip at the front, or clip it all up, or mmmmmmm....french plait it

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

well if your your hair is nice and long then you got ny hair and i put my hair in a bun of i leave it staight out it dont matter as long as it nice

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

trust me this updo is soo hot!

good luck! %26lt;3 Olivia

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

i have long hair too and i would put bendy rollers in for a couple of hours then get lots of long hair clips and do a kind of 'messy updo' where you gather sections of hair and just pile it on top of your head with tendrils coming down. always works a treat for me!

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

I think that sounds great! Long hair is great, but it can get in the way sometimes (I know from experience) Keeping it up, keeps it out of the way, and it dosent take a long time to get it up in a pony tail. Good luck!

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

ummm..... i have straight long hair 2. I have the same prob. i like putting it in a low side pony with my bang pulled back or them hanging to the side. if you dont have bangs than just take the front hair and but it in a little lumpy thing.(like in my cartoon pic) try that if not then try leaving it down with a cute head band.

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

first if you want to you can scrunch your hair

Next put it up in a pony tail.

then take a cute headband or barrettes and use them in your hair.


a classic straight ponytail with a headband works fantastic

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

Claire's accessories do hair donuts that look lovely when quite high up on the head. Thread your ponytail through and then sweep round and pin in as you go. Looks nice with a bit of fringe tucked behind your ear, like the blonde girl in the peroni beer adverts!

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Updo hairstyles-

Going out tonight want to wear my hair up any ideas?

try clipping it up loosely with a clip comb and leave a few strands at the sides, it's informal and pretty

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

its long (about a couple inches lower than my shoulder) and black.its layered all around but only one layer, in the middle. well besides leaving it regular (yawn) what other hairstyles could i do.i tried somehow to do a bun but its too straight and limps alot.when i wear my hair wet and srunch it it doesnt turn out correctly either. what are some websites that feauture and show pics of easy hair styles to do with straight still young so i want something that wont make my look younger.haha. THANKS

any suggestions help me more than you think. :D

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

try these

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

You should experiment with some up-dos!

I think they should look amazing.

Here is a gallery with some...

I'm trying to attain this hair style. Help!?

This one:

I'm trying to figure out how I might go about getting my hair to curl as loosely as Eva's is in the picture. I have the fairly typical coarse and tightly coiled African American hair, which is also pretty thick. It was originally in a mohawk style, so the sides are shorter than than the top at about 1 1/2 inches and the top is closer to four inches long. I haven't had it chemically treated or anything in some time now either.

So, what's my schedule look like? Texturizer? Relaxer?


I'm trying to attain this hair style. Help!?

The best thing for you to do is get the relaxed with a good producd ,then have a roller set done and styled in the maner you want go with the photo to the saloon.

one can try to achive this style but it would also depend on your hair type affter the treatment.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim le

it looks ok with most styles better as an extreme like shiort or long

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

I would suggest you go to the best, well-known, hair salon you can afford (people like Trevor Sorbie or Nicky Clarke comes to mind) and ask their advice.

They'll want to know about you, your lifestyle, the places you go, etc. They'll also examine your hair, treat it if need be, before suggesting styles that suits your face, hair type and colour, etc.

Once you've got that very good, basic hair cut, you can go then go to your local salon to have it maintained.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a mullet. Theyre all the rage.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

french twists, perm, just dont get a mullet.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

short and bleached blond

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

cut it round your face

very in at the mo

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

Have you tried it like posh spice short in the back and long in the front i was tired of my hair just bein long and layered so i had it cut like that but with a couple of short layers and its so easy to manage.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a wig

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

why not try a bob like the one that Victoria Beckham,s just got

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

Think about your face shape as well, look at styles you like in hair magazines and chat with you hair dresser about them.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

I love a guy with sexy long hair, put a few lighter highlight through it and follow the link below to a very sexy hair style. If you do chose this and have it done pls send me a pic!

Good Luck

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

ooh my hair was like that!

I got it cut short,the back goes sort of spikey and flickey,it looks quite good but you do have to spend a bit of time on it in the mornings..and it's more of a girl's hairstyle..

go to,they have quite a lot of styles but you have to sign up to get them all.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

why not rty out the new haircut that victoria beckhams got at the moment!

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

as we don't know what you look like, it isn't possible to advice you what to do with your hair.

You should go to a nice hairdresser and ask to one of the stylist what will you suit better. It's free and you don't need to cut your hair there. Go to different place, and see what they say. Good luck

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

i had light brown hair and like past my shoulders and what i got was layers and side bangs and everybody loved it they all complament my hair and you might look good with some highlights

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

you could dye it cut it shorter or even get hair extentions. When you go to the hairdressers ask their opinion on what would suit you best e.g your features and face shape

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a bob just below your chin...long layers and a side fringe. very popular at the mo! would look amazing!

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

hey y dont u try vibrant colours to ur hair

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

i like the "scene" looking hair styles but my style is more on the preppy side. i still want to keep the length long, i want some sort of layers and side bangs or something of that sort. i cant seem to find a picture of what i want.

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

side bangs work perfect its a scene preppy style guide your hair like that for a couple of weeks and it should look fine!

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

side bangs

I need a new haircut!! i have an oval face and slighty wavy hair and want some sort of bangs.?

hope it helps

Finding the perfect hair-cut???

I want a cute "peppy" hair-style that can still look fun %26amp;%26amp; pretty!

Pics would be great, but if not PLEASE describe!!! Here is some stuff about my hair

-I want to keep it fairly long (right now it is a few inches past my shoulders

-It is SUPER thich

-Fairly wavy

-My face is long and oval

-I would love layers!!!

-I want to keep a piece in the front shorter

Any ideas would be fabulous!!! Thanks so much!

Finding the perfect hair-cut???

Here is a really cool site that you can try a hair style without doing the horrible deed of cutting and waiting for it to grow back. Lord knows I have had plenty of horrible hair cuts, and what it looks like in magazine is far from what it looks like on you after.

This site is a no-harm, no fowl site. Have fun and best of luck to you on your hair cut adventure.

Finding the perfect hair-cut???

Try going to your local bookstore. They usually have several magazines with pictures of hairstyles.

Or, just talk to your stylist about what you want.

(If you want to make sure it's good, try to go to a good salon. Not, like...Supercuts)

Finding the perfect hair-cut???

Short but not too short and some red highlights

Finding the perfect hair-cut???

when you go to the salon to cut your hair.. you should first ask them .. can i look at your catalog... or what would go good on me.. and DONT alwayz beleive them... some dont know english and say somthing.. and sometimes turns out the worst on you.. GL

How should i do my hair???

My hair is a little shorter than sholder long its layerd its red and i have bangs!! My hair is messed up!! all the girls at school have a really good hair style just right for them............than theres me. theyv all tryed to do my hair like theres! But no it dosent work for me!! Plz help me

Peace Out!

How should i do my hair???

go to then go to curls then you could upload your pic and try on different hair styles

How should i do my hair???

Stop trying to imitate the rest. Try something original. Like a Buzz Cut! You'll look stunning!

How should i get my hair cut?

i love my hair.

i use products every day, even if im not going out anywhere, it has to look good [yeayea but it makes me feel good about myself]. and i'm scared of getting a bad haircut [honestly, yes]

right now it's layer, but it's grown and it just looks like one piece of brownness. it's quite long [longest in my class], half way down my back, and dead stright. i don't like it straight, do i always stlye is somehow.

i like more volume at the top, above my shoulders, and thin lover, and very thin at the tips [last 10cm of length]

please suggest ideas, and do you know if there are any web sites with lots of photos of different hair styles.

[and im 15, so nothing your mum would have]

How should i get my hair cut?

try this

How should i get my hair cut?

I found this website the other day when I was trying to figure out how to get my hair cut...see if it helps.

How should i get my hair cut?

here is a web site with all kinds of pics of long hair styles! i hope this works for you, just describe the style (if you can get a pic) and show it to your hair dresser:)

How should i get my hair cut?

Hairstyle Tips and tricks / Winter Haircare

Tips on How to do Perms/Bob hairstyles/Cornrows

How to do Layering / French braid / African-ethnic hairstyles

Tips on Hair coloring / Hair Dyeing tips

Hairstyle photo gallery -

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

i have long hair and i always have it parted to the side with just typical bangs but theyre growing past my chin now.

i need ideas for haircuts... NOT just Styles, i need pics of different things i cld do with the following requirments:

*still long

*bangs (not straight down or too short)

*no color change

ok ppls go crazy!!

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

I would say trim your bangs and curl your hair in waves like this

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

I would like to have hot ... with you

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

You want our advice but you still want to stay boring. Don't ask for advice then.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Shave it off.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

If you like your hair why please him, long hair is beautiful just natural and loose, but clever plaiting, and scooping up in clips may add a little variety.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

It's summer, have boyfriend pay for some nice cornrows with pretty swirls. Have it cut later.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

your hair is your own biz so too bad if he doesnt like it !

you go plan your own hairdo and do what you like with it !

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???


My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

well if u want it still long no color change and bangss WHAT ARE U GOING TO CHANGE?

u need to take a chance there it's hair and it'll grow back, i think u should go short with some color

heh people are way to concerned about their hair, so i got a mohawk! who cares it'll grow back

i think u should do something crazy with ur hair...

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Head straight for a stylist you trust...they will tell you what looks best or show you pictures. The shape of your face really plays a big part in what styles look best and the color of your skin also plays a big part in what coloring looks best. Your stylist can show you pictures and make suggestions. Also try this web site:

Good luck!

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

You could get layers, you could part it in the middle, get it where it frames your face, you could also try to put it in a ponytail or half way up instead. try curling it, you could also get it cut different at the ends, instead of straight across. And clam highlights might work too.

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

Leave it alone, I love it*...You are Gorgeous just the way you are*...

My boyfriend is sick and tired of my hair!!???

This 1 is good but not the girl that has it ew!!

This is really good!!!

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

its long (about a couple inches lower than my shoulder) and black.its layered all around but only one layer, in the middle. well besides leaving it regular (yawn) what other hairstyles could i do.i tried somehow to do a bun but its too straight and limps alot.when i wear my hair wet and srunch it it doesnt turn out correctly either. what are some websites that feauture and show pics of easy hair styles to do with straight still young so i want something that wont make my look younger.haha. THANKS

any suggestions help me more than you think. :D

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

try these

What are some hairstyles for straight hair?

You should experiment with some up-dos!

I think they should look amazing.

Here is a gallery with some...

Need some hair help please!?

Hello everyone! I am going to the rodeo this coming weekend (3-3-07) and I am tired of having the same hair style. I have dark blonde hair, 1 inch past my shoulder, layers, side bangs, and a long oval shaped face %26amp; big green eyes. My hair is naturally wavy. I usally straighten it with a Chi Turbo (the red one!) or make my hair curly with the Aussie Scrunch Spray (love it!). Oh....did I mention that my hair is thin and super damaged from my Chi!?!?! It has no volume at all...when it does get volume it only last for about 2 hours. I'm looking for something cute that would last for the whole night....up-do's, down-do's(lol), anything will work! Appreciate anyone that has any advice for me!

Need some hair help please!?

But on that cowboy hat! Maybe braids on both sides, that a way to go cowgirl!

If you don't want to wear one....add some bright blonde highlights to the front of your face, w/wavy hair, scrunch it up w/your aussie spray!

Need some hair help please!?

First of all we know heat is an ouch to hair. Sooo you can try baby oil for a couple hrs wash and then drench it with baby oil then make sure that you really rinse it out and be sure to use a great shampoo and cond. Also you might want to see a hair stylist to give you help you might also try to get a shampoo that has a sptriper in it to get the product out to give it lift. If you use the same brand of shampoo change it every other time.

Need some hair help please!?

have you tried big and sexy product, also do some back combing to the back of your hair that will give it a lift.

Need some hair help please!?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas - tips and tricks-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle Photo Gallery-

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim le

it looks ok with most styles better as an extreme like shiort or long

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

I would suggest you go to the best, well-known, hair salon you can afford (people like Trevor Sorbie or Nicky Clarke comes to mind) and ask their advice.

They'll want to know about you, your lifestyle, the places you go, etc. They'll also examine your hair, treat it if need be, before suggesting styles that suits your face, hair type and colour, etc.

Once you've got that very good, basic hair cut, you can go then go to your local salon to have it maintained.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a mullet. Theyre all the rage.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

french twists, perm, just dont get a mullet.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

short and bleached blond

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

cut it round your face

very in at the mo

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

Have you tried it like posh spice short in the back and long in the front i was tired of my hair just bein long and layered so i had it cut like that but with a couple of short layers and its so easy to manage.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a wig

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

why not try a bob like the one that Victoria Beckham,s just got

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

Think about your face shape as well, look at styles you like in hair magazines and chat with you hair dresser about them.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

I love a guy with sexy long hair, put a few lighter highlight through it and follow the link below to a very sexy hair style. If you do chose this and have it done pls send me a pic!

Good Luck

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

ooh my hair was like that!

I got it cut short,the back goes sort of spikey and flickey,it looks quite good but you do have to spend a bit of time on it in the mornings..and it's more of a girl's hairstyle..

go to,they have quite a lot of styles but you have to sign up to get them all.

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

why not rty out the new haircut that victoria beckhams got at the moment!

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

as we don't know what you look like, it isn't possible to advice you what to do with your hair.

You should go to a nice hairdresser and ask to one of the stylist what will you suit better. It's free and you don't need to cut your hair there. Go to different place, and see what they say. Good luck

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

i had light brown hair and like past my shoulders and what i got was layers and side bangs and everybody loved it they all complament my hair and you might look good with some highlights

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

you could dye it cut it shorter or even get hair extentions. When you go to the hairdressers ask their opinion on what would suit you best e.g your features and face shape

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

get a bob just below your chin...long layers and a side fringe. very popular at the mo! would look amazing!

I dont really like my hair so wanna change it, can you recomend any styles, its dark brown meduim length.?

hey y dont u try vibrant colours to ur hair

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

Backcomb your hair and it will give volume. You can also get a ceramic curler. They produce enough heat to make your hair style last and cut your hair in layers. You don;t have to cut it short to have body


My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

Blow dry with mousse. Get a light hairspray (Kenra is my favorite brand. Spray the strand wait a few seconds for it to dry. And curl hold for 8 seconds. Voila!.... a beautiful curl.. And stay away from cheap products they dont work as well.

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

Try spraying hair spray into your hair before you curl it, this should give it some extra strength. Make sure you buy the strongest hold stuff out there.

Maybe try some layers, you can easily texture them up with wax, hairspray, and it quite in at the moment.

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

I have thin hair so i keep it cut to my chin or shoulders and i put layers in it it gives it thickness and shape!

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

Cut your hair, layer it, use hair products.

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

Just keep it short dear.

My hair will not curl or is very long and thin. Any ideas for a quick and easy style?

my mums is same i use to blow dry hers tgill it was damp then twirl the hair round my fingers and cliop it, but bit of hairspray on dry it with hairdryer for a bit then leave it a few mins then take them out, it wiull still be damp so put a bit of kjmousse through it carefully an leave it to dry

Hair weave......?

Umm can anyone who knows anything about hair weave for african americans like gimme a link to hair styles? The style I'm looking for is perfectly straight, the hair is parted in the middle and a little longer than shoulder length. Like.. to the collar bone. Basically Indian style hair. PLEEASE :(

Hair weave......?

Baby girl what you need is a good stylist who knows her stuff. You can go to any Hair supply store that occomodates us "tightly curled" haired women. If you get tracks put in make sure that your head is first cornrowed then sewed. If you need more details look me up.

Hair weave......?

but heres some pics with my hair weaves in.... Report It

Hair weave......?

why destroy healthy African American hair to get fake Indian style

Hair weave......?

I'm a hair stylist let me know what u are looking for.....

Hair weave......?

Funny you should ask because my hair is styled like that now. Pretty much just look at Ebony, Jet, Essence,Upscale, Vibe magazines and you will find it. Or just look up pictures of Delicious from Flavor of Love. That style may be longer than what you want but that is the style. Hope I helped!

Hair weave......?

hoepfully these can help:

Are you supposed to wear a long dress to winter formal?

my winter formal is around december 4th and i am having trouble finding a dress and what hair style i want.some people say wear a long one and others say knee length. pictures would be absolutely great! Thanks

Are you supposed to wear a long dress to winter formal?

I think you should wear a long dress, sort of like this..

or this

or long and wavy using a thick curling iron that makes this

Are you supposed to wear a long dress to winter formal?

Try macys, I loveee thier dresses in juniors!!!

Are you supposed to wear a long dress to winter formal?

Yes you are because A. its cold, do want to freeze bet you do want a thick tank top strap. B. It looks really cool

So i have a hair appointment on thurs but which style?

thinking of getting bangs like Rory off of Gilmore Girls not sure how to describe them to the hair stylist though! Also is it easier to style wavy hair if I get long layers put in the back?

So i have a hair appointment on thurs but which style?

I have very wavy hair (although I usually straighten it) and I had my hair cut into long layers. It makes it a lot easier to style your hair, adds more movement and body, and makes it look and feel a lot healthier. I strongly recommend it. Also, ask your stylist to shape the front of your hair as well, it brings the layers to a whole new level. I'm not sure what the bangs look like (I did an image search but did not see any bangs), but if they're side-swept, then I'd say go for it, but it's a little tricky to get used to styling them at first. Good luck. I'm sure your hair will look great. :)

So i have a hair appointment on thurs but which style?

You should find a picture of what you want and show it to your stylist.

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

I need hair help...and fast! %26lt;3 Have medium length, medium thickness hair and it kinda boring. I dont really know what to do with it and i always scrunch it. I mean scruching it is cute...but thats like wearing it up EVERY DAY...BORING!! My hair is about shoulder lenght ( a little longer) If you have any answers please describe in detail. PS I dont want to get it cut, I dont want to have to go to a salon to get it fixed so I need like hair styles. PLEASE HELP!! LoVe YoU aLl

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

Straight hair usually looks cute on anyone, and with ur hair type that sounds about right. Try it at the salon or the friends house to c if u like it. If it takes u a long time to straighten it and u REALLY like. I suggest u buy the best brand the CHI. its amazing. But expensive, so u have to really like how it looks on ur hair.

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

I have found an awesome site to get free samples. I get all sorts of new products that haven閳ユ獩 even hit the market yet. It is kind of like a beta testing site for new products. They test everything from food to beauty samples to video games. Here is the site.

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

A messy bun is always cute! Try google and type in hairstyles. Try some webistes and see what they have. Good luck!

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

Any cute Hair Tipz for Teens?

straighten it or put it in a cute bun

Long, short, or medium hair?

which one do you have? plus, do u have bangs, layers, or some other kind of style?

Long, short, or medium hair?

long for sure u can do anything thing with it if u really want

Long, short, or medium hair?

very little

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair with layers.

Long, short, or medium hair?


Long, short, or medium hair?

I had medium hair. Most consider it short. It goes to my chin and i have it layered. No bangs. It looks cute curled under or flipped out or straightened.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long wavy hair. I was thinking about cutting it short though....

Long, short, or medium hair?

my hair is almost four feet long, strawberry blonde, no bangs, all the same lenght.

Long, short, or medium hair?

long and layered is easy to keep up.

Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair with curtain bangs : )

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair right now, but latter I going to cut it to medium w/ layers

Long, short, or medium hair?


Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair. all one length, no bangs

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long hair.....was gonna go for the gusto and cut it off like my "avatar" --- chickened out.............just got another perm, today..................back to my wild self!!!

no cut.........long hair............

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long thick black-brown layers...just long..

Long, short, or medium hair?

My hair is a little longer than shoulder length. I usually don't do anything with it, just brush! I go for the messy look, I guess you could say.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have hair that goes just below my shoulders. I have layers cut into it and my bangs are growing in. They are just long enough to tuck behind my ears, it seems to be taking forever!! :) I have wavy hair, that is a medium brown with lighter brown/red highlights. A first for me, I really like the highlights though.

Long, short, or medium hair?

straight and medium with tons of layers and side swept bangs!!

I looove my hair!!

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have medium straight hair with layers that curl under in a very slight way. I have side swept bangs that curl under too and my hair is dyed purply red

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long black hair, with long layers. It's naturally half curly half wavy, but once a month I like to straighten it. I love my hair it's exotic with my blue eyes

Long, short, or medium hair?

lol... almost exactly like my avatar.. and it's blonde

Long, short, or medium hair?

Very long. I have bangs that I'm currently growing out (they're at my shoulders) and I let my hair grow in a natural U shape.

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have medium,black,straight hair...but rite now i have it in shirly temple curls!!!! way cute!!!

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have long hair with curls. i do have layers. i think the best way to go is long or medium cuz there is more things you can do with it.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have long, wavy hair that is almost to my hips. It's all the same length, and I have never had bangs. It's dark brown and looks reddish in the sun. I've never styled it... I like it to look natural.

Long, short, or medium hair?

medium hair

i cut bangs but they look super bad

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have medium hair, it's strawberry-blonde.I have bangs and layers.

Long, short, or medium hair?

My hair is long black and shiny.

Long, short, or medium hair?

I have hair down to my butt. I take good care of it, though. I don't chemically process it.

Long, short, or medium hair?

i have medium layered hair. also, i have side bangs.

Long, short, or medium hair?

long, with bangs

Long, short, or medium hair?

I did have long hair bit just recently cut off to shoulder lengh with layers. black with light brown/blonde highlights, no bangs.