Thursday, July 30, 2009

What hair style should I go with?

Ok, I just got highlights not long ago, and i cut my hair just before, and im wondering should i grow it out, or should i keep it short

here are some pics to work with to see how i look as it grows, and diffrent things iv done with my hair

short semi rolled back:

short-medium natural:

medium plastered fallen:

Long, rolled back into spikes:

long natural:

longest byfar, natural (length where girlfrinde could grip):

What hair style should I go with?

hi! saw ur pics! my suggestion wud be to grow your hair long and straight and then comb it backwards!ull look cool!but it got to be long!

What hair style should I go with?

Nice pics!

I think u will look good with Long, rolled back into spikes...

Oh! cool dude!

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