Thursday, July 23, 2009

Advice on hair colour for a novice please!?

My hair is dark brown with slight reddish tones though it looks a 'cool' brown if that makes sense. My skintone is pale though fairly warm toned (more yellow than pink), my eyes are mid-brown.

I'm thinking of a semi-permanent colour to liven things up a little. I've heard that shades of red don't suit brown eyes - is this right? I was thinking of henna as a natural choice to avoid drying my hair out - are there different shades of that? My hairdresser suggested highlights about 2 shades lighter than my natural colour but I don't know if that is 'me' plus I can't really afford the upkeep - plus my eyebrows though not abundant are dark in colour - however I don't want to go darker (I'm not into the Gothic look). Any advice appreciated! If it helps to know the style I've got long-ish hair (a couple of inches below shoulder length) it's layered and thinned out - I have lots of hair though it is fine in texture.

Advice on hair colour for a novice please!?

Try one of those semi-permanent hair colors. They only last (not even) two weeks. If you have red tones, don't get any brassy red colors; use a medium tint.

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