Thursday, July 23, 2009

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a

Okay, so a few months ago, my sister cut my lovely long hair(just above rear) into an uneven choppy under-the-shoulders style, while i was asleep(see previous questions for details). So i had to have my hair cut to my shoulders. I liked my long hair! It was the perfect length, and took me practically my whole life to grow(I am 13 and started growing it when i was 5)! I hate my short hair and have been hiding it ever since that one fateful day(or shall i say, night?) when my annoying little sister cut my hair off! I always wear it in a bun, so no one can see how ugly and short it is! And don't tell me to make the best of it, because it is really ugly on me... So what are some alternatives to the bun? And pleeeaseee how can i make my hair grow faster???

Thanks in advance!!

xoxo Lisa

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

Massage your scalp in the shower - not with your nails. This stimulates and promotes growth.

Another thing about shortness is that perhaps you shouldn't try to hide it. It could look good - maybe try different ways of styling it. Attempt using a straightener or a curling iron. I know how you feel going from long hair to shoulder-length. I did that too, granted because I chose it, but it's grown on me. A bit below the shoulder is still considered long, and I find straightening my hair makes it extremely controllable. Not to mention the shorter length is easier when dealing with it in the shower!

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

wow what a bummer!!!!

im sorrry!!!

I use Main and Tail shampoo sold at wal-mart!






How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

eat a lot of fish, use ahir products with lots of vitamins D and E and keep it natural for about 6 months

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

Eat healthy food like brown rice, veggies and fruits... Less junk so you give your body the nutrients it needs to make your hair grow faster.

Also keep getting your hair trimmed on a regular basis so that you don't develop split ends which will damage your hair and make it take longer to grow out. Plus it will look unhealthy.

I donated 17" of hair to "Locks of Love" a few years ago and am growing it out to do it again. It's been 4 years and it's grown out 12" so far. I'm cutting it again in September.

Those are my two tricks.

As for style, when my hair was probably a little longer then yours is now I used to do French twists with extra combs and bobby pins to hold all the hair in place.

Sorry to hear your sis butchered your hair. That sucks.

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

Oh nooooooo....That's awful!

My only alternative for you would be to use a moisture rich conditioning shampoo available at a "hole in the wall" beauty supply store. Later, improvise your hair in the latest styles by looking at hairstyle magazines at a local grocery, bookstore, or drugstore.

The last resort is getting extentions. But ask your parents first.

I'm sorry you had to go through that ordeal with your little sister. Just make sure she doesn't run through the hallway with scissors anymore. It will give her more ideas.

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

It's hard to feel good about such a drastic change - that you didn't plan yourself. TALK TO YOUR MOM! or DAD even! I hope you've already done this and they've told you that you look fine. But it's your hair!

I've been searching for a product myself - (my hair has different reasons for being too short - I had it cut and it ended up shorter than it seemed when it was being cut - if that makes any sense)

You're 13 - discuss this with your mom and show her the link to see if she agrees that you might try it.

Hair Plus Shampoo and Conditioner "claims" to help stimulate hair growth.

I've placed my order and look forward to giving it a try.

I do not have any interest in, receive income from or have any involvement with the company that sells this product.

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

take prenatal vitamins your hair and nails will grow faster and stronger as far as hiding it i cant really help you other than to buy extensions

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Medium hairstyle tips-

How do i make my hair grow longer faster, and what are some ways to hide the shortness, other than a bun?

Try Lush New Shampoo Bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results:

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