Monday, July 27, 2009

How should I put my hair up?

I have really long hair, about down to my butt. I keep my hair in 2 braids but I'm getting kind of tired of it. I can't keep my hair down because it gets tangled easily. I would like to know different styles for different days, moods and such. By the way, my hair is dark brown.

How should I put my hair up?

I know you don't want to hear this but i recommend cutting it!!!!! I decided to make a change this year and cut off my long hair, I cut it to about my shoulders and got layers and bangs. Now i love my hair, I can do so much more with it now. I couldn't do much with my hair because it was so heavy and made me hot. It made me look way younger and every one at work and my family said i should have done it a long time ago. I always had it pulled back and that really strained my hair line. Plus I have a round face and big checks so the long hair just didn't go with my face shape. It made me look chunckier. So consider it because it does grow back!!!!!

How should I put my hair up?

yes you can put it up any time you want

How should I put my hair up?

cut your hair and donate it to locks of love.

How should I put my hair up?

a bun maybee?

or a normal pony tail

How should I put my hair up?

well first i think you need a hair cut. you're hair sounds REALLY long. putting it up..make you could put half of it up with half down, or you could put it in a bun, or ponytail=)

How should I put my hair up?

I would try pony tails or buns. Or maybe just one braid or a low side pony, which are cute on alot of people. I know its harder to do buns with longer hair but I have seen really long hair look good in messy buns. When I had longer hair, I could never do it good enough, but you should try it. It depends what hair type you have. Like weither it's thin or thick and curly. Some styles could be harder to do.

How should I put my hair up?

I would cut it. Maybe a couple inches past your shoulders. And get layers and side bangs! So cute!! Also make sure to get cool make-up to match your new hair. And maybe you could maybe get a couple highlights. But make sure you don't over do it!! Hope I helped!!!


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How should I put my hair up?

putting it up could cause damage to your hair especially if you put it up tightly, and because your hair is long it is old and fragile so its more susceptible to damage. i would reccomend just getting it cut 7-10 inches donating it to locks of love (it will make your hair healthier) and you will be able to do more with it.

How should I put my hair up?

Maybe for Monday a pony tail, Tuesday and Wednesday a curl, Thursday pig tails, Friday, Saturday and Sunday a crimp in a pony tail.

If your happy pig tails. If your sad low pony tail. If your nervous a curl in a pony tail.

How should I put my hair up?

Have you considerd cutting it?? I know I know that thought might horrify you but I had really long hair too (although it didnt reach my butt) and got it cut a month ago as it was getting in bad condition...not short or anything...just shorter!! I was nearly crying in the hair salon but after I was like 'Hey this isn't half bad!' it did allow me to do more hairstlyes...for example I could never put my hair in a bun because it looked like a giant rock at the back of my head!! I also found that many hairstlyes actually looked better! And it did help with the tangling issue!!:) You could just get a few inches off and get some layers for something extra??

But if cutting is entirely out of the question i would say go with a high ponytail. Or half up half personal favourite!! You could curl it for a different look??

How should I put my hair up?

Cut it and donate it to a charity. Your hair will grow in fuller and thicker that way, it will also look much cleaner. You'll feel brand new!

You're a pretty girl, why not live it? I totally recommend getting layers with sidebangs. I got them and I love it!

If you really want to put your hair up just make a bun and put a clip on it.

How should I put my hair up?

Hair Styles Tips- * Updo hairstyles-

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