Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?

Heyy, I'm 14 and I'v had the same style for like 4 years and its getting old. There-for I want to change it but I just dont know what to do.I dont want anything long, like a mullet or anything. I like short-medium, short perferably. i like to spike it,(no mo-hawks,%26amp; no straight up hairstyles) like in the front or in the mid section of my hair. My head is round-ish .haha. I would put a picture on here but I dont know how lol.


Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?

try http://www.hairstyles.com

Can anyone help me chnage my hair-style?

like http://18demaio.com/blog/wp-content/uplo... short (the depuis one) ((jaeda from ANTM)


http://wwwimage.cbsnews.com/images/2004/... short

or longer

just look online at your fav celebs, or flip open a mag and look at the hair.

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