Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Will you save my hair?

I used to have long hair and I just got it shaved (YIKES) I wanted to get a style but I was scared to....When it grows longer again any ideas? I am pale and lanky (YIKES)

Will you save my hair?

Long hair on a pale and lanky dude is not attractive, at all. Go for something a little on the short side, not buzz cut but a nice short length and style.

Will you save my hair?

Yikes is right. wow from long to nonexistent, That my friend is bold. and if you are that bold then I say you go for any hairstyle you want you should have some time to think about it as it grows. happy hair growing.

Will you save my hair?

Well it all depends on the shape of your face, and what kind of hair you have...you could probably go to a hairstylist and consult them on what would best suit you, or what you would like.

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