Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

i have short hair and stuff do you think i can grow my hair out that long by summer provide links if you can

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

Pull off? Pull off? - WTF?

Sounds like you're trying to decieve someone.

Nahhh, you'll just look like a mutt whose hair needs a trim!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

Need a picture.

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

It matters if your hair grows fast or slow my bubs hair (he has to keep it short for sports) after he's done w/ b-ball he grows his hair out and he looks just exactley like a skater!So I would say if your hair grows fast than I think you could! (enless you play sports then you might want to keep it short!!! ....lol....)

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

yessirie you should! i love long hair. expecially if its dark. haha and straight. and soft and BRUSHED:) hahha happy hair growing!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

Personally I think anyone in the world can pull it off, I even know some girls that can so if they can than you can! Just know what you want before you go to get it cut like the bangs and edges and everything k!!

Sorry no links my computer sucks!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

Depends on your face and hair type, if your hair is curly youll end up looking surfer unless you want to straighten it every day. Just try it and see, you can always cut it if you don't like it.

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

Hey, there. It really depends on your FACIAL SHAPE, hair COLOR, skin complection, and hair growth rate. Email me and I can help you further, if you would be able to provide a picture that would be much easier.

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

yah why not?

skater hair is HOT!


Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

its hard to picture it maybe you should put a picture up and then i can tell but from what you describe you could pull off the skater look/

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

I would really need a picture to say for sure....but 99 precent of guys look great in skater hair, so I'm sure you can pull it off. lol And if your hair growns fast, you can try it, right? Good luck!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

why not ?

if its what you wanna do then you should just do it if it feels right it will most likely look right =)

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?


skaters r hott..... and ur avatar looks cute =) hehe

i think u can pull it off!!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

yeah my babydoll's hair grows fast and he could so u shud to give it a try

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

mabye it might look good

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

I really don't like long hair on guys, at all. I don't like the idea of the 70's and 80's hair coming back (but I guess it already is!) The important thing is that you like it. If you feel great, then you will look great at any length, so do what makes you happy.

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

wow, if u look like ur avatar, then ur ugly!!

Good Luck!!

(ur gonna need it)

ps. i didnt know u were a boy!!

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?


Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

I think you look like a homosexual and stuff.

Girls only: do yo uthink i can pull off the skater style hair?

no girls dont like long hair

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