Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

I've had this LONG hair all my life, and I really want a change.

I've always been in love with the adorable short-shag styles that seem to be 'in' right now.

I have a good straightener, a supply of products and time on my hands.

The only thing is-will it fit ? will it look okay on me ?

So please, be brutally honest.

this is me : http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r175/...



this is what i want : http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r175/...






Lee/閳?br>Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

you should totally go for it!!!

one thing, you have an oval face! *yay!* which is versatile and it matches with almost any hair style!

it will loook good you. trust me.

i had the EXACT situation like yours! i wanted the same hair too! so i cut it! i like it :D

but heres a precaution, questions you should ask yourself:

-dont cut it if you love curling your long hair and putting it up easily

-does it fit your personality?

-that kind of shaggy hair cut requires time for styling, unless you have god-blessed hair

looking at your picture, you are really pretty! a girl that i know looks similar to you, and she cut it boy short for cancer kids (sweet huh?) and she still looks sooooooo pretty! i think she looks better with her short hair!

im sure it will look good on you! also, why not give it a shot? its better than NEVER cutting your hair,and hey, your hair grows back!

* if you want bangs, get pixie or longish bangs. an oval face looks good w/ pixie bangs, or long bangs. oh nvm. they look good w/ anything!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Do it.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

guys don't like short hair and it sorta makes your face look fat...

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

you should...definetly a change though ...

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Go for it girl!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Go For It

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

i think it would look awesome!!!! Do the hair color that's in the first one too!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

if it's really what u want, go for it! u would need to REALLY straighten and redo your bangs to make it match though. personally i prefer long hair, but hair grows back!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

ohh i think its beautiful and it would definitely fit you

go for it

if you dont like it which im sure you will then dw i mean its jst hair it will grow back later right?

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

It'll look good. You should do it. IF your going to cut it make it like the 1st one, thats the prettiest one. And also, i suggest that you change your hair color, add some high and low lites.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Yep... I like the one with the bandana best... I think the thick bangs would look the best... people would look straight into your pretty eyes.

Good luck... BTW... you will probably find that it is addicting keeping your hair shorter. I did!! Take care.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

its diffwerent! i wouldnt do it, it wouldnt be easy to go back. what about doing it lil by little.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

I think short hair would accent your face very well. If your hair is long enough (10 inches), please try to donate it to Locks of Love. Good luck on your new look!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Oh yeah, Do it! Worst case...you dont like it and it takes a couple months to grow back out. Change is good.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

I would do the last one. Buy i love your hair just the way it is!

Hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

I think you will look totally cute with short hair. The style you have now is kind of old and it's hiding your face. The shorter cut will definitely show off how pretty you are! Go for it! I bet you'll love it!

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?


you ill hate it so much!

I had long hair and i cut it and i hate it so much i really want my long hair back

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

Yes! You should absolutely go for it. I used to have long, extremely curly hair and over the summer I cute it into a pixie cut like Michelle Williams. It's extremely liberating and I guarentee you will love the change.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

i think it Will look good on you but without styling everyday it unfortunately won't look like that which will be annoying after a while. but as long as you are happy to put the time in go ahead

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

i think the third or the fifth photo will suit you fine. though with the shape face you have along with your large betty davis eyes you are one of the lucky ones who could get away with the more harsher less feathered cuts. i say go for it. you have clear skin and a nice jaw line and nice round eyes most short cuts will complement you but shop around do your homework and find out the best hairdresser in the area it is really important that you get a good hairdresser for a restyle.

Should I go for it ?! ( Short hair )?

i think you should go for it . i also think you should dye your hair dark brown . it will really bring out your eyes . i would say black but then you will look to pale because of your fair skin .

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