Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

Just normal grown out straight hair fairly long combed down with no styling products or do girls only like those metro styles?

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

I'm not really into the metro-sexual look. I like scruffy guys.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

Girls love that type of hair. They would think you were hot.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

The way you describe it, it sounds kinda shaggy. Some people like that style, it's kinda trendy right now. Personally, I prefer a nice short classic men's cut.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

Depends does that looks good and can your face carry such style for best look go for a professional makeover.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

depends on the guy!!!!! I like all styles as long as it looks good on them.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

Depends on the guy and how his hair works with his face. Also does the guy upkeep his hair and doesn't just wash his hair with soap?

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

not that much but they like short hair.

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

its ok ilike the metro style

Do girls like this kind of hair on guys?

depends on how the guy looks with it.

and what the girl likes.

just dont go to the extremes i.e Letting your hair go too long or get it cut really short.

Just get your hair cut whatever way YOU like it.

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