Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hair thickening products?

Hi guys,

I have very fine thin long hair and now that its been also coloured its even finer. Are there any products out there to make it look thicker? Like I have more hair? Without it being sticky and full of styling product? I still want it to look natural and soft.

Thanks a heap.

Hair thickening products?

Coconut oil is used in India and the ladies wear their hair in long thick glossy braids....the thickest glosiest hair I have seen. I used coconut oil also and before I cut my hair people would always comment on how beautiful it was. Aloe Vera gel is good and so is Henna, (it actually makes each strand thick and soft).. I started taking DIATOMACEOUS earth because it kills parasites, (I travel alot, )

but the side effect of Diatomaceous earth is that it makes your nails and hair grow fast and feel soft and strong and thick!

Why? Because it is mostly made of SILICA a mineral that helps hair and nails and teeth. In fact my nails are growing so fast I have to clip them thrice as often! I also lost a lot of hair in India from getting sick there, but now its growing like a weed! and soft too!

Hair thickening products?

use egg whites in your final rinse amazing

Hair thickening products?

use catwalk thickening shampoo. works like a charm.

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